In no particular rank below are the best books that I hope, helps you get started on your financial independence journey

  1. One up on Wall Street

An easy to read book that can be a great starter for anyone who is unfamiliar with the markets. Any acronyms or products that might be mentioned here are quick to guess or google. Although some of the concepts on this book might not be suited to today's stocks (especially Tech) like P/E ratios , there are still a plethora of other valuable nuggets that teaches any simpleton how to approach fundamental analysis.

2. Beating the Street

Another great one from Peter Lynch. This one helps hone down some of the concepts in his earlier books. From what I recall this one has a bit more graphs and diagrammatic representation of what core financial concepts are. Another great book to get started that is easy both on the eyes and mind.

3. The Intelligent Investor

This one will not be an easy read for someone who is just trying to get into the financial world but it lays for a great foundation. First published in 1949 a lot of the ideas might seem dated (like bonds and coupons) and some of them indeed are but it is hard to fault this book if you are serious about your financial knowledge and want to get a good base. Concepts about the financial markets are broken down as " Mr Market" caricature which makes it easy to remember and great when execution actually matters and ties into a great centerpiece to all other financial markets concepts.

4. Money Master the game

The name Tony Robbins might ring a bell perhaps because of his other famous books like - Awaken the giant within or Unlimited power, both of which have sold millions of copies. So this might seem a surprising entry but if you are in The U.S. and are after one single book that will give clear guidelines on how to build wealth this can be your go to. At over 600 pages this could be a drag if you are not used to reading books in general but if you want a one stop shop this is a great option.

5. Fooled by randomness

One of my favorite books -financial or non financial OF ALL TIME!!!.

If you are one of those that have read some financial/stock market books, put in a few trades, made some money and then some more only to see loose it all this can be a great book to set you on the right path. Beware though: this book does have a lot of math or mathematical concepts so it would be good to get familiar with them as you progress. Many financial "guru's" would actually suggest you read Talib's other famous book - The Black Swan, but I would suggest you give this one a try (first if possible). Putting to shame some of the "name it claim it" and other mumbo jumbo fin nonsense out there this is a great book both for a good laugh and to gain valuable insights into the world of risk management, law of large numbers and financial prudence.

6. Stock Market Wizards

Even if you have 2 financial advisors, 1 financial planner, 5 know-it-all friends and you are a trust fund baby with no interest in stock market - this is one book that is still bound to make you excited about the stock markets. Although the first of any kind is usually the best ( don't agree? - Rambo, Terminator, Raiders of the Lost Ark...) this book is the 3rd in Schwager's list of Market Wizards book and an entertaining, easy to read book. You might not be able to copy the strategies that are followed by traders in this book to the T but this might be just the juice to kick your procrastination out and get you started on a fulfilling financial independence journey

7. Rich Dad Poor Dad

Not quite the other books mentioned above if you are after core financial knowledge but its is a great personal development book on helping you think right. Easy to read and digest , most of the concepts might not seem ground braking but helps clearly define concepts like compounding, rate of interest, debt...etc.

8. Trading for a Living

Don't be daunted by book cover or the size of this book. The concepts in this one are actually rather wise and logical if you think about it. Execution is a different matter though and the book helps manage both i.e. the concepts and the execution. Read this books only if you have spare change and are serious about getting another source of income (not capital gains) apart from your salary. This is a book that you might have to revisit multiple times and is almost guaranteed to have pen marks all over. Pick this one up only if you are interested in truly trading for the living.

9. Trading in the Zone & Trade your way to financial freedom

If you have seen positive results from your investments are getting more inquisitive about the world of technical analysis or trading in general these two are great books. With detailed notes and simplistic language these books offer timeless advice

10. Pit Bull & More Money than God

These last books are more for the book lovers and thrill seekers. The first one gives an account of how one man - Buzzy made his millions and what it took him to get there, the other is a detailed history of Hedge fund managers and how they came to be both loved (by some) and loathed. Not quite - "how to reach your financial freedom" but these are definitely a good entry to get you just about curious.

Though there are many many more books that have helped me to become financially savvy (somewhat) the above mentioned books are a few that I pray will lead you to your own path of financial enlightenment. As usual happy reading!